Kosher Bottom Utility Tray

Now you won’t miss a thing
Now you won’t misplace a thing

Kosher fresh wipes Bottom Utility Tray is good to keep things that are frequently needed but are often misplaced.

Now you won’t miss a thing
when you badly need it.

@Offices desks

Kosher f r e s h w i p e s Bottom Tray is good to keep sundry items such as; pen, pencil, scale etc.


Depending on individual needs, it is good to keep small but much needed items which keep missing due to being misplaced.

Partitioned spaces

Kosher f r e s h w i p e s Bottom Tray is created with partitioned spaces to keep things that are frequently needed in the respective places wherever Kosher f r e s h w i p e s are used in pull-a-pieces boxes.

Rigid Structure & Convenient

Kosher fresh wipes Bottom Tray is durable and can be repeatedly used with new Kosher fresh wipes pull-a-piece boxes.

Kosher fresh wipes Bottom Tray is made to serve as a fit socket for the Kosher fresh wipes pull-a-piece boxes. It sits fine on the Bottom Tray and is easy to lift off the Bottom Tray to fetch things from it