Kosher pyramid self-dispensing freshwipes box

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Kosher pyramid self-dispensing freshwipes box structure is small and hence is presented with only 50 freshwipes (pulls) in a box.


Kosher pyramid boxes are cute and that is a big value beyond the super quality soft personal freshwipes the boxes carry. By that, Kosher pyramid boxes, offer great value...anywhere; at homes, at offices and even at some high-end restaurants & hotels.


The shape makes the box special and all things self and personal. Kosher pyramid fr e shwipes boxes would have the power to initiate self-dia- logue in anybody. What do the first set of designs make you think about? Await many inspiring designs

Size / quantity

50 Freshwipes of Size: 180 x 200 mm


Large case: 108 nos.
Small case: 54 nos.

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