Kosher Social Concern

Message from the Managing Director

We believe, paper - which is largely made from trees which provide the life essence for the life on earth, is being rather recklessly used - contributing directly to the alarming rate of depletion of trees. We believe, the need to act towards bridging the huge shortfall from sustainability levels both on account of ecology and resource is very urgent. We believe, the ideal approach is to put greater thrust on resource renewal duly supplemented with judicious consumption - - which puts the responsibility to act - vastly with the consumers. Though the pulp that is converted into tissue paper is made from trees and plants which are consciously replenished from structured resource renewal program world over, we intend to work on initiatives that would create awareness about the alarming situation and develop structured social programs that would facilitate consumers - individually as also collectively - help contribute towards perpetual regeneration of life giving trees and plants.

Shashi Kanth Tiwari